Session 3B
Behzad Rad, Rohan Dhall
Imaging heterogenous, weakly scattering materials, such as biomaterials and inorganic systems containing light elements is an inherently challenging task. Doing so when the structure of interest is present in a liquid medium further complicates matters, and has necessitated the development of several imaging techniques using optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and X-ray scattering. This symposium will discuss recent advances in the field of in-situ microscopy of low contrast specimens in their native liquid environments, which enable nanoscale design strategies for new materials. These talks will highlight cross-disciplinary research taking place at the Molecular Foundry and beyond to showcase cutting edge correlative imaging capabilities and foster collaboration and new directions.
1:00-1:10 pm
Using 4D-STEM to develop structure-function relationships in organic semiconductors
Chris Takacs, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
1:10-1:20 pm
Fabrication of Customizable TEM Liquid Cells from ALD Films
Mike Elowson, Molecular Foundry
1:20-1:45 pm
In situ multimodal characterization of complex nano materials with resonant soft x-ray scattering and electron microscopy
Cheng Wang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1:45-2:10 pm
A Liquid Cell for Correlative In Situ TEM and X-ray Measurements: Design and Fabrication Challenges
J. Alex Liddle, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:10-2:20 pm
Elucidating Cathodic Corrosion Mechanisms with Operando Electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy
Yao Yang, UC Berkeley
2:20-2:30 pm
Crystallization by amorphous particle attachment and the evolution of texture in biogenic calcium carbonate
Vanessa Schoeppler, UC Berkeley
2:30-2:55 pm
Microfluidic-jet for fluorescence dosimetry and single-digit micro-second X-ray radiolytic hydroxyl labeling of protein
Sayan Gupta, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2:55-3:05 pm
High-speed AFM study of full-strength photoresist dissolution through designed microfluidic sample stage
Jiajun Chen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
3:05-3:30 pm
In situ and multimodal imaging of biological molecules
James Evans, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory