Session 4B
Carolin Sutter-Fella, Yi Liu
Halide perovskites are on the move to revolutionize the field of optoelectronics given their unique properties and tunability with respect to bandgap and dimensionality. One strategy to further advance research on halide perovskites can be nourished by creating close links between complementary fields such as theory and experiment, fundamental physicochemical properties and device function. Topics covered by this symposium include correlations between interfaces, defects, instabilities, and device applications using experimental and computational approaches. Cross-disciplinary efforts are highly encouraged to shed light on current challenges in halide perovskite research.
1:00-1:25 pm
Rational Bandgap-Tuning of Halide Perovskite Semiconductors
Eva Unger, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie
1:25-1:50 pm
Stability challenges and accelerated lifetime testing protocol for perovskite solar cells
Xueping Yi, First Solar
1:50-2:05 pm
Interplay of structural changes, symmetry and vibrations in orthorhombic and tetragonal hybrid perovskites under stress
Kuntal Talit, University of California Merced
2:05-2:20 pm
2:20-2:45 pm
Nanoscale Heterostructures of Halide Perovskites and the Study of Carrier Transfer Mechanisms
Song Jin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nanocrystal Assemblies as Superfluorescent Light Sources
Dmitry Baranov, Istituto Italiano de Tecnologia
3:00-3:25 pm
Halide perovskites for photocatalytic organic synthesis
Yong Yan, San Diego State University
3:25-3:30 pm
Closing Remarks